Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Whole Half - Week 2

Yikes! So Week 1 = Awesome. Week 2 = Not even close to awesome.

Last week was stressful. It was the week after Fall Break, and the weeks before and after breaks are always the longest weeks ever! I had lots of work to catch up on, lots of responsibilities at school, and lots of cooking to do (I usually prepare food on the weekends to eat all week, but never got around to that so I ended up cooking throughout the week, which usually entails overly complicated recipes and stacks of dishes that don't get washed until 3-4 days later after I can't stand the smell of my kitchen anymore). Naturally, my workouts suffered.

Monday-Wednesday went fine with the exception of Tuesday's colossal failure. After running a full 3 miles on Sunday, I could barely do more than 1.5 on Tuesday! My conclusion - I hate the treadmill. Treadmills are evil, annoying and scary. When I'm running on a road I'm not worried about falling off. I'm also not looking at the screen every two minutes to see how far I've gone. No  more treadmills for Corrie!

I was so exhausted from my stressful week that I took Thursday, Friday and Saturday off and just ran Sunday morning. Yes, this is in direct opposition to what Hal Higdon recommended for me this week, but I was just really stressed and low on energy. I did run on Sunday, but instead of doing the 3.5 miles I was supposed to, I stopped at around 2.5. I also got home from my family get-together this weekend to discover I'd gained about 6 pounds. 'Doh!

In spite of what you might think, I don't feel like a failure. It was a crummy week. We all have them. And the fact that I got back on the proverbial horse this week is encouragement enough for me. Here's hoping for a bit more structure, organization and triumph over my goals. I will prevail! And I've already lost two of my weekend pounds, so I'm not worried about that either.

On a side note, I'm thinking about signing up for a 5k in a few weeks. I haven't run a race in over a year and I think it would be a good way to remind my body what a race feels like. I've never run a race in the cold, though. More details on that to come...

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