Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 7 - Shop Good

Everyone needs a release. Everyone needs a place where they can go and just be (cue the theme song from Cheers). For me, that place is Shop Good. Most of you know that I cover a few shifts at the trendy little downtown boutique, which carries super cool merchandise and gives back a portion of their profits to local and international charities. Right now I work two nights a week running the store.

I love working at Shop Good because most of the people who come in don't know me. They don't know that I'm a Finance Director or that I'm good with math or that I'm actually a total nerd. And it's a relief that they don't know that. Because people treat you differently when they think they know you.

When people find out that I work for a missions organization they immediately try to spiritualize everything they say (I really felt like the Lord was leading me to eat those mashed potatoes for dinner, and wouldn't you know, I enjoyed them! I prayed a silent prayer of thanks for God's provision of tubers and His hand in guiding my eye to them on the Chili's menu). And when people find out that I'm the Finance Director for a small non-profit organization, they assume certain  characteristics about me. The problem is that they're usually wrong. I'm just a normal person. I don't think about money all day long. I don't even like thinking about money. To be honest, I don't even balance my personal checkbook! I hate money! But my job at HGM gives people a certain idea of who I am and what I am interested in.

When I'm working at Shop Good, people talk to me about food, coffee, concerts, clothes and music. Fun stuff! No one looks at me and thinks, "Oh, I should tell this girl about my 2009 tax returns." Never! They think, "This girl works in a cool shop. I bet she's pretty cool herself. Maybe she'll help me eat this 5-lb gummy bear." And I will, trust me. I will!

I love working at Shop Good because I get to meet new people, people who share similar cultural interests with me. People who are interested in doing good for the community, for their fellow man and for the planet. Sure, there are a few weirdos that come in too, but if there weren't, where would the fun be in that? For giving me a chance to break through certain stereotypes, meet new people and take a break from my desk job, I'm thankful for Shop Good.

If you'd like to check out Shop Good for yourself, you should stop by this Thursday night! they're doing a 9th Street Holiday Party with drinks, dining, shopping and sweet-ing at all four establishments on 9th Street! Shop Good is also open every Monday through Saturday, 11-9.  Once again, not a paid advertisement. I just love 'em.

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