Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6 - Forgiveness

Oh my, could I tell a tale or two about how I've needed forgiveness in my life! I would assume that most of you could also bring up stories of when I've needed forgiveness in my life as well (no need for comments, if anyone is aware of my ovewhelming number of flaws it's me). But I'm sure that everyone who is reading this post has needed forgiveness at some point in his or her life (except Jesus who, according to all the Sunday School stories I've heard, is currently reading this over my shoulder. He's good).

There are two types of forgiveness I am thankful for. First, I am thankful for other people's abilities to look past my flaws. I know that I'm not perfect. You know I'm not perfect. And yet the majority of the people who are currently in my life have chosen to look past my numerous flaws. I don't know their reasons behind this. Maybe they love me, maybe they're stuck with me, maybe they're hoping that if they put up with me for long enough I'll leave them an enormous inheritance (these people obviously have never seen my shoe collection). But whatever the reason, people have chosen to forgive me. I've hurt people with my words and actions, sometimes on purpose. I've forgotten important dates, I've put myself before others. But the people around me have forgiven me. If I were going to list those I've offended the most, God would be right at the top of my list. I've been a handful, for sure. His forgiveness is more amazing than I can grasp. But that's another blog post.

The second type of forgiveness I'm thankful for is my ability to look past my own flaws. Now this one is tricky, because it can sometimes look like I'm deluding myself into thinking that I don't have any flaws. And I'll admit that there are probably several areas in my life where I have deceived myself into thinking that I'm doing just fine when I'm not. But there are other areas in my life that I am fully aware I'm terrible at. And my tendency is to beat myself up over those things. But somehow, through the grace of God, I've been able to forgive myself for not being perfect. It's not easy and I don't always do it so well, but I'm trying and that's what counts (it would be counterproductive for me to get mad at myself for not forgiving myself enough!).

The peace I've found in forgiveness - not having my past held against me or brought up constantly - is incredibly freeing. I am very thankful to be around loving people who choose to look past my faults, and I am thankful that I have learned to look past my own faults. I am thankful for forgiveness.

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