Saturday, January 29, 2011

If Ed Harris Were Wearing a Beret While Directing My Life, Would You Tell Me?

The last six weeks of my life have flown by, and I haven't given blogging a second thought. But, seeing as I'm in the midst of some awesome life changes, and I'm on the eve of something even more awesome, I thought I'd give you all a little shout out so you could know what's going on. So here are a few more of Corrie's Stories:

December 31, 2010 was my last day at my job as Finance Director of Heart of God Ministries. I felt it was time to move on and find a job that better suited my passions, desires and skill set. I'm still living on campus for a few months while I try to save up money and find a new permanent job. On January 4th, I started working at Moore High School as a long-term substitute for a teacher on maternity leave. This opportunity came up suddenly and unexpectedly, and was more than I had even thought to pray or ask for. I have loved working at Moore. The teachers there are very friendly and supportive, my students are all really great kids, and I'm remembering just how much I love teaching. The teacher I'm filling in for right now teaches Math Analysis and AP Calclulus BC. Each class has presented its own challenges and rewards. The Math Analysis is challenging because I have to find new and interesting ways to present the material to kids who might not really care all that much about math. The calculus is challenging because it's been 9 years since I took calculus in college, and I have had to study hard every night to remember the material and come up with effective ways to explain it to others.

The best part about this sub job is that it actually came with another job attached to it! I am subbing for this teacher from the first of the school year until spring break. And then, when spring break comes back, I'm subbing for another math teacher in the same school. How cool is that? I'm super excited to have the opportunity to be in a great school with supportive staff and an academically challenging environment. God is good, people. Even when you don't ask Him to be.

The other crazy thing about this job is that they are letting me, the long-term sub, take 2 1/2 weeks off! When the coordinator called at the end of December to ask me about the job, I agreed but told her that she might not want to hire me because I had already made travel plans for the first half of February and would not be able to reschedule or cancel them. Surprisingly (I guess no one else was available for the job), she said that would be fine. So now, I'm busy getting plans together to give to the woman who will be subbing my classes for the next 2 1/2 weeks. She's a sub for the sub. Strange, huh?

So where am I going? What is this 2 1/2 week trip I'm taking? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm on my way to Senegal, Africa! I have some friends who live in Senegal, and I love them tons, plus I really miss hanging out with them. So I decided that the best thing to do was just to run out there and visit them. I've been planning this trip for nearly a year now, and it's hard for me to believe that it's almost here. On Tuesday I'll take off from OKC, and I'll arrive in Dakar (the capital of Senegal) on their Thursday morning. Then I'll spend about two weeks running around, learning what my friends do from day to day. Then it's back on a plane to fly home, one day of recovery, and back to teaching on Friday the 18th. Here's praying for minimal jet lag and no malaria!

I'm super excited about this trip, guys, and would appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts you can throw my way. Did you know that this will be my first overseas trip? I've been out of the country before to Mexico, but you don't have to go over a sea to get to Mexico, just a river. I've tried to go overseas before, but it's never worked out. This time, I'm determined that I WILL get out of the country! It will hold me in her evil clutches no longer! I know that there is a great big world out there and I am determined to see at least some of it, dang it! If something happens to prevent me from this trip, I'm going to start looking around for the hidden cameras because I will officially be convinced that I am the subject of the real life equivalent to the Truman Show. I just looked at the weather and it looks like an ice storm might be heading in the night before I'm supposed to leave. Seriously. Not cool.

I'll try to take tons of pictures while I'm over there and I want to keep a journal of everything I see and feel and experience so I don't forget. I might not have much internet access for awhile, but I'd still love to read your emails, comments and facebook posts when I have a chance. Keep it real, America. I'll see you on the flip side.


christine said...

Don't worry, I'd tell you. Unless I didn't realize that I was in the same reality as you. But at least we'd be happily oblivious together. :)

Allison Bellomy said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip! can't wait to hear about it and see pics. I will live vicariously through you! so great how everything is working out for you in OKC...but come back to siloam soon and go to a movie with me and chris!