It's because of my dislike for mornings that I truly appreciate this new fad that's going around, Saturday church. A lot can happen on a Saturday night. Fun parties, late-night chats with friends, tear-jerking movies, heart-to-hearts, and major relationship drama can all keep us up until the wee hours of Sunday mornings, which makes church a chore. I can't tell you how many times I've had to drag myself out of bed just so I could sit in a chair in the middle of a big room and not pay attention because I was still exhausted from the night before. I couldn't give my best to God on some Sunday mornings, because I didn't have my best available. My best me is not available in the mornings.
But Saturday church usually happens in the late afternoon or early evening. That's my time! That's the time when I'm on the ball, on my game, ready to give and ready to receive. Sure, it might cut into some of the fun things that are planned for Saturdays, but a) why shouldn't we sacrifice a bit of selfish pleasure for God and b) you can just push any plans you may have back a couple of hours and then stay up even later that night, because you get to sleep in on Sunday morning!
I haven't quite mastered the art of going to Saturday church without feeling guilty on Sunday morning yet, but I do really enjoy having the option to worship on Saturday night instead of Sunday morning. Even though I don't take advantage of it all that often, I am thankful for Saturday church.
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