Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1 - Family

Today I am thankful for my family. Yeah, I went with the old cliche right off the bat. But seriously, I dare any of you to do a log of things you're thankful for and not mention your family, whether you're actually thankful for them or not.  Do you want that kind of drama stirred up around the menorah this year? I didn't think so. You'll be spinning the dreidel out in the cold faster than you can say l'chayim. But guilt and external pressure aside, I am truly grateful for my family. I have been blessed with some amazing people who have influenced my life greatly.

My mother has given me a passion for learning and a love of challenges. She has never been content with coasting along or standing still. She went back for her Master's Degree with two children in high school. She has been in and out of school since then, finishing up her Ph.D. just a month ago. She is amazing.

My dad has shown me the importance of integrity and faithfulness. If my dad says he's going to do something, he does it and he does it well. You don't have to worry about him cancelling at the last minute or double-booking himself or ever being late. He's as reliable as they come, and I am so grateful he has tried to pass that on to me.

My brother is an incredibly hard worker. I've seen him give his all, even when he knows that the results are not going to be as favorable as he'd like them to be. When he sets his mind to something, he does it. He is every bit as committed and hard working as my dad. He's also a great daddy to his little kids.

My sister in law has brought an amazing levity and joy to our family, and I know that we are all thankful for her. I never had a sister growing up (or many girl friends either), and I have learned so much about friendship through her. She is forgiving, understanding, loyal and loving. And an amazing mama to her kids! She is super-mom!

I could (and probably should) continue on and mention how grateful I am for my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who have all poured love and support into my life over the years. But I... wait, I just did! I really have an incredible family and today I am thankful for them.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Ok, that seriously brought tears to my eyes. You are sweet. And all those warm feelings are mutual. :)
Way to go with 31 days!!! Go for it! And maybe you'll inspire me to up my monthly average from .01. :) Love you!