Tuesday, November 16, 2010

October in 3 paragraphs

Yes, it's been awhile since I've written, but I refuse to start any more blog posts with apologies. SO I'M NOT SORRY! I've stopped and thought about blog posts a few times throughout the last month or so and realized that there are two reasons I don't want to write a post. The first is that nothing really interesting has happened recently to me. The second reason is that the first reason is a lie and there have been plenty of interesting things that have happened, but most of my comments about these interesting events would be negative, so I'm following Thumper's advice in Bambi and not saying anything at all.

I'm still continuing my reading push, and right now I'm making my way through The Fountainhead and absolutely loving it! I first became interested in it when my friend Safinia mentioned it the last time I visited her in Colorado. Since then, every time I think of books I want to read, that book always comes up. So this summer I went a little crazy and ordered several books off Amazon that I had wanted to read. After finishing The Picture of Dorian Gray back in October, I looked through my stack for my new conquest. I decided to tackle one of the thickest books I had bought, which made me decide between Ulysses and The Fountainhead. I chose Ulysses because (true confession here of my lack of intellectualism) I saw Benjamin Linus reading it on Lost. After the first 5 pages of Ulysses I realized that I understood about half of what was being said. I had never felt stupider before in my entire life. So I put it down. I don't need a book to make me feel stupid; I do a good enough job of that on my own.  Then I picked up The Fountainhead and I loved it from the first page. I'm not fond of creating lists of favorites (they're so restrictive!), but thus far I would put this book among my top 10. The characters fascinate me and even though it's not an action-packed, fast-paced book I have found myself loving Howard Roark for all that he is and all that he stands for. Again, I'm only about halfway through the book, so maybe by the end of the book I'll hate him, but right now I love him.

I'm also super excited about the release of the new Harry Potter movie this weekend! I can't tell you how much I love those books. They are so dear to me. This summer I read through all seven books again to prepare for the movie release. And last week I watched the first six movies with my friends and we discussed the differences between the books, the significance of different events, and how poorly made the first two movies were (seriously, they were bad). Here's how tied up in these books I am. The night after I finished reading the seventh book, I rented the first movie (Sorcerer's Stone) on iTunes. Right at the beginning, when Harry met Ron and Mrs. Weasley for the first time, I cried. No lie. I cried with the knowledge of how closely their lives would be knit to one another, how much she would love him, how she would become like the mother he never had and how deep the friendship between Harry and Ron would grow. Can't wait for the last two movies. Simply. Can't. Wait.

I've got a couple more ideas about blog posts; hopefully I'll take the time to write them out. That's all you get for now. Just a taste of my awesomeness. Too much would be overwhelming for you. You've been deprived of my awesomeness for way too long; I would hate to do any damage to you! :)


TattooedWarrior said...

I just finished Atlas Shrugged yesterday and am so torn. On the one hand, Rand raised some really great points about creativity, freedoms of production, exploration, and individualism. But on the other, she is not for people being helped or even cared about in some cases. A lot of her thoughts clash head on with things Jesus was all about. But very thought provoking. I have Anthem and Fountainhead coming up on my list to read.
HARRY POTTER!!!!! Seeing it Friday night. I'm going to cry.
Still need to get into Lost. Stupid lack of time.

Christine said...

You are hilarious! And kinda a punk, too. Because now the pressure is on me to update. Thanks for making me smile. I love ya more than my hummus.