Monday, April 26, 2010

The Petty Cash Email

I've had a couple of requests to post the email I sent out to the staff the other day. I realize that in the grand scheme of things, this email is probably not the funniest thing in the world. But keep in mind that I'm a finance director, someone who's not expected to be funny. My job usually consists of yelling at people for not getting things done the way I want them. So, without further ado, here's the petty cash email:

Hey guys, I know you’re super busy, but I just want to put in a quick word about petty cash. Several people have borrowed petty cash recently and that’s awesome. That’s totally what it’s there for. Here’s the deal: There’s probably still several more people who are going to need to borrow cash in the next couple of days. If you’ve taken petty cash, chances are you didn’t use it all. We need that change back ASAP so we can have enough money for the rest of the weekend. So here’s the deal: If you’ve borrowed petty cash, I need the following three things from you:

1) The change that’s leftover from what you borrowed

2) The receipt(s) documenting what you bought (I need the original and make one copy of the receipts too)

3) A PO showing what you bought, how much you spent, what account it should come out of, etc I know several of you are grimacing at this, but seriously, it takes like 2 minutes to fill out a PO. If you’re not sure about the account number, check out the descriptions next to the numbers. If you’re still not sure, ask me. I’ll help you figure it out.

I’ve attached a copy of the PO form for you to make it easier for you to fill it out. Seriously, guys, I really need your help in this. It will take all of 5 minutes out of your day to get this stuff to me. If I don’t get all this stuff back, this is the scenario I envision sometime on Friday or Saturday:

You: Corrie, Corrie, there’s an emergency! I have to run to Wal Mart and get 50 cans of whipped cream stat!

Me: Wow, that does sound like an emergency. What do you want me to do about it?

You: I need petty cash, and plenty of it!

Me: Well that’s a bummer. No one turned in their change, receipts and PO’s, so we don’t have any more petty cash. I wish I could help you, but it looks like you’re up a creek without a paddle.

You: Well, then, can I have a credit card?

Me: Probably not, but thanks for asking so nicely.

You: What am I going to do?

Me: I don’t know. I guess Nomads has officially failed. Too bad people didn’t turn in their change, receipts and PO’s. We might have avoided this tragic ending.

You then run away into the woods screaming like a mad person and never return. We tell the children ghost stories about the crazy person living in the woods as a cautionary tale to all who might think that turning their change, receipts and PO’s in a timely manner isn’t a big deal…

Thanks for your cooperation, guys, things are looking great out there and you’re all doing a great job!


Just a reminder, Thursday, April 29, is National Be Kind to Your Finance Director Day. Spread the love!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That did make me chuckle. I wish a lot more FDs have that sense of humour.